Good Friday 2018: Turn of events that led to crucifixion of Jesus

  • | Thursday | 29th March, 2018

The reminiscences of Good Friday dates back to the 4th century by Egeria. This ancient practice denotes the time of self-punishment and fasting on the death anniversary of the Christ. Let’s take a look at the turn of events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus.

To honour the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his demise at Calvary, Good Friday is celebrated all around the globe. Not a mere holiday, but the day holds a great significance in the Christian community. At many places, it is also called as Black Friday, Great Friday, or Holy Friday. This day is observed by fasting with sombre processions.

The reminiscences of Good Friday dates back to the 4th century by Egeria. This ancient practice denotes a time of self-punishment and fasting on the death anniversary of the Christ. Let’s take a look at the turn of events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Jesus Arrested

According to the documents in the Gospels, the Temple Guards were safeguarded by the Jesus` disciple Judas Iscariot; in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was arrested. In trade, Judas was given money, 30 pieces of silver was his price to betray Jesus. Following the arrest, Jesus was by force brought to the house of Annas, (the father-in-law of the high priest, Caiaphas), who then questioned Christ but could satisfactory answers as he wanted. He was then taken into captivity by Caiaphas, who was the high priest. There were many contradictory shreds of evidence against Jesus along with many witnesses.

The Son of God

Soon after the arrest, the high priests made Jesus take the solemn oath, saying "I adjure you, by the Living God, to tell us, are you the Anointed One, the Son of God?" Jesus accepted the witness obscurely, "You have said it, and in time you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty, coming on the clouds of Heaven." That day the Sanhedrin brought upon the sentence of death as the high priest condemned Jesus for sacrilege.

Judgment of Pilate

Next day, Jesus was brought to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate by the assembly under a number of charges like weakening the nation, refusing taxes to Caesar, and claiming himself as a king. Pilate asked the Jewish leaders to review according to their own law. The final words were the death sentence for Jesus. Pilate questioned Christ and informed the assembly that the death sentence was not justified.

"Crucify, Crucify"

Herod questioned Jesus on getting answers, he was sent back to Pilate. Pilate told the assembly that both he and Herod had not found Jesus guilty. He proposed of whipping Christ and release him. The chief priests and the crowd called for the Barabbas, who was in charge of a murder. The crowd demanded, "Crucify him". On the previous night Pilate`s wife dreamt of Jesus and warned him not to harm this virtuous man. One way or another, Pilate elbowed Jesus out from the crowd to release him. The chief priest ordered to ask “if he is the son of God”.

The Final Death Sentence

On knowing the answer, Pilate came on face with the crowd and assured that Jesus was innocent. Though, he handed over Jesus to the crowd to get crucified as he was alarmed that a riot can start anytime. Jesus with his cross walked to the site of execution and was escorted by Simon of Cyrene. The sentence mentioned "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" and the execution site was said to be the "place of the Skull", or "Golgotha". He was crucified there along with two other criminals.

Jesus Gave Up His Soul

Jesus was on the cross for six long hours and during the last three hours on the Cross, he saw darkness fell over the entire land. His last words echoed "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" it is said that when Jesus gave up his spirit it was followed by natural disasters like earthquake, curtains in the temple tore off, and the tombs broke open. The centurion who was on guard at the site of crucifixion said in himself, "Truly this was God`s Son!"

This is the history of Good Friday. On the third day from this day Easter Sunday is celebrated and the followers believe that this was the day when Jesus rose from the dead.

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