Punjab Govt dissolves panchayat samitis, preparing for upcoming panchayat polls

  • | Saturday | 14th September, 2024

In a significant move, the Punjab Government has dissolved over 13,000 Gram Panchayats and 76 Panchayat Samitis across the State, signaling the preparations of the panchayat election process. The dissolution, initiated in early September, comes as part of the states preparation for panchayat polls expected to take place in October, or November.   The decision, which has drawn attention across the state, was made through an official notification issued by the Administrative Secretary to the Punjab Governments Department of Rural Development and Panchayats, Dilraj Singh.   The terms of the Panchayat Samitis, which govern key local functions, came to an end between September 10 and 11, marking the conclusion of their five-year tenure. The dissolution of these bodies is in accordance with Section 114-A of the Punjab Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, which allows the State Government to appoint administrators during a transitional phase. District Development and Panchayat Officers (DDPOs) have been entrusted with managing the responsibilities of the dissolved Samitis and Gram Panchayats until the elections are conducted.   The official notification, signed on September 10, outlined the legal framework under which this administrative transition has been set in motion. It read, In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 114-A of the aforesaid Act, and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to dissolve the Panchayat Samitis, with effect from the date the Panchayat Samitis have completed their term of five years...and is further pleased to appoint the persons specified in column 5 (DDPOs) of the said Schedule as Administrators to exercise all powers and duties of the Panchayat Samitis, so dissolved, during the period of their dissolution.   This administrative move aimed at ensuring the smooth functioning of local governance during the election preparation period. The DDPOs will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Panchayat Samitis, ensuring that critical tasks such as public welfare programs, infrastructure maintenance, and local disputes continue to be managed effectively in the absence of elected members.   The dissolution of the Panchayat Samitis is part of the broader effort by the Punjab Government to maintain effective local governance while setting the stage for the upcoming elections. The elections for the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads are expected to take place before November 25, 2024, with the elections for Gram Panchayats scheduled before December 31, 2024. The timeline aligns with the completion of the current administrative tenures and the states legal obligations under the Punjab Panchayati Raj Act.   The issue of panchayat elections in Punjab has been contentious in the past. In 2022, the Punjab Government faced criticism and legal challenges after it prematurely dissolved the Gram Panchayats, which led to a backlash from the opposition parties and local governing bodies.   The matter escalated to the Punjab and Haryana High Court, where the Government faced criticism for delays in conducting elections. After the Courts reprimand, the government indicated that the polls might be held by October 2024. This dissolution is seen as a direct response to the Courts ruling and as part of the efforts to avoid further legal entanglements.   The previous panchayat elections in Punjab were held in 2018, under the Congress-led Government, which saw the election of over 13,276 sarpanches and 83,831 panches across the state. As the current administration gears up for another round of elections, all eyes are on how the process will unfold, especially given the complex legal and political dynamics at play.

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