Bhoj Mahotsav will be held in memory of Raja Bhoj: CM

  • | Saturday | 14th September, 2024

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the general public will be introduced to the work and personality of Raja Bhoj, who has made a special contribution in the field of public welfare, engineering, writing and valour. A three-day Bhoj Dev Mahotsav will also be held in Bhopal in the memory of Raja Bhoj. Yadav today gave instructions to the culture and other related departments in the presence of ministers regarding the outline of this festival. Yadav said that the contribution of Raja Bhoj should be displayed through exhibitions, film screenings, theatrical performances, musical programmes and book exhibitions. Raja Bhoj undertook public welfare works of lake construction and dam construction from Dhar to Bhopal and other areas. He has also authored about one hundred and twenty five compositions. Handwritten letters and other collected items of Raja Bhoj should also be brought before the general public. Chief Minister  Yadav said that fellowships should be provided and research work should be encouraged on the works of Raja Bhoj. Yadav said that the identity of Raja Bhoj is associated with Bhopal.

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