DTG BHEL Bhopal awarded with Gems of Digital India Award 2024

  • | Wednesday | 14th August, 2024

Digital Transformation Group (DTG), BHEL Bhopal, was awarded the "Gems of Digital India Award 2024 (Analysts Choice)", for excellence in e-Governance, during the 5th Gems of Digital India Awards ceremony organized by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and Coeus Age, at New Delhi. SM Ramanathan , Executive Director, BHEL, presented the Award, in the presence of Gautam Majumdar, General Manager (CMG,PMG,CC & DTG) to NP Sanodia, AGM (IT),  Vivek Pathak, AGM (IT) and Rajneesh Rai, Senior Manager (IT), on 13th August 2024 at BHEL, Bhopal. The Gems of Digital India Awards recognize the very best in the IT and reward the leading organizations & individuals for innovation and excellence in the IT Sector and their respective fields and celebrate the spirit of innovation and achievement in the IT Industry. Gems of Digital India Awards are conferred to path breaking digital initiatives and are discovered through rigorous research by various IT experts and academicians. The Gems of Digital India award, celebrates innovative, impactful, and sustainable e-governance initiatives. This year, out of 153 nominations received, 32 exemplary projects were recognized and documented in a book titled 32 Gems of Digital India, highlighting the best of the best in the countrys digital transformation journey.

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