CM plants Amla sapling in Nishtha Complex

  • | Wednesday | 7th August, 2024

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav expressed that the "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam" tree plantation campaign, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is a testament to his commitment to protecting the environment and enhancing the beauty of our planet. This initiative reflects a deep gratitude for the gifts of nature bestowed upon us and serves as a way to give back. By planting trees, we not only work towards healing the environmental damage caused by development but also strive to maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Yadav shared these sentiments during a plantation program organized by the Energy Department at Nishtha Complex in Govindpura, under the "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam" campaign. During the event, he planted an Amla sapling on the campus, joined by Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar, Mayor Malti Rai, and Additional Chief Secretary of Energy Shri Manu Srivastava. Yadav remarked that Indian culture reveres the mother and her power, and by naming the tree plantation campaign "Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam," Prime Minister Modi has created an emotional connection for everyone involved. Planting a tree in honor of our mother or in her memory symbolizes our desire to give back to nature what we have received. Indian culture places great importance on trees, as reflected in the Brahma Purana, which equates the value of one tree to that of ten sons.

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