1st Director of BMHRC Brig PS Vaish passes away

  • | Friday | 26th July, 2024

Brigadier PS Vaish (Rtd), the first director of Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre (BMHRC), passed away on July 23 at a private hospital in Delhi. He was 84 years old and had been admitted to the hospital a week ago due to breathing difficulties.A condolence meeting was held at BMHRC on Wednesday to honor the departed soul. BMHRC Director Dr Manisha Shrivastava, along with all staff members, observed a two-minute silence to pay tribute to the late Brigadier Vaish. Brigadier Dr PS Vaish served as the director of BMHRC from 1999 to 2003. It was under his leadership that BMHRC was established, and he played a crucial role in elevating the institution to new heights. BMHRC family will always remembered his contributions.

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