Every Panchayat to have community building: Patel

  • | Thursday | 25th July, 2024

Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Prahlad Patel has called upon the Panchayat representatives to perform their duties with full dedication. Rights will come naturally. Patel said that the state government is striving to ensure that every Panchayat has a community hall and every Panchayat has its own building. He said that every Panchayat can design development plans of their respective Panchayats efficiently and intelligently. He said that Panchayat Raj is the spirit of working together for public welfare. He said that soon orders will be issued to send to Upadhyaksha - Vice Presidents for their mandatory consent. Patel was addressing workshop organized by Panchayat and Rural Development Department and German organization GIZ on the topic Self-reliant Panchayats – Prosperous Madhya Pradesh here today. He urged the Janapad Vice Presidents to make a list of works and activities in which they think their opinion and consent are required.

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