24-day training program for supervisors at HRDC, BHEL

  • | Thursday | 25th July, 2024

The 24-day program for newly appointed Trainee Supervisors at HRDC BHEL Bhopal was inaugurated the other day in the presence of BK Singh General Manager (HR) & Swagata S Saxena HOD, HRDC. The 34 newly appointed Trainee Supervisors (Civil, Mechanical and HR Branch) from Corporate Office (Noida), various BHEL units (Bhopal, Haridwar, Bangalore Trichy), Power Sector Eastern Region and Power Sector Northern Region participated in this program. A total of 96 sessions on various topics like organisation introduction, product introduction, technical/ functional topics, behavioural development, yoga and meditation have been included in this program. This training program was organized by Team HRD, BHEL Bhopal under the leadership of Swagata S. Saxena (Additional General Manager), Krishna Chandra Singh (Senior Manager), Kirti Singh (Manager), MD Atiq Khan, Pawan Suryavanshi, CK Sharma, Harichand, Prabhakar and Mahendra Yadav.

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