MP Transco has done hot line maintenance work

  • | Tuesday | 23rd July, 2024

Transmission line maintenance personnel of  MP Transco ,taking a huge risk,  achieved an amazing maintenance work in the loaded  live 33 K.V. system. On July 20, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav and other very important persons along with leading industrialists from India and abroad had visited Jabalpur to participate in the Regional Industry Conclave.  A major fault occurred at  132 KV substation   Vinova Bhave   of  MP Transco  (Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company), who supply electricity for this important event due to rain on the eve of the event. Its repair work would normally be possible only during day time and total shutdown (by shutting down the supply), but considering the importance of time and event, M.P. Transco Managing Director Er. Sunil Tiwari directed to get it done with hot line maintenance technique without any shutdown while the supply is still running so that no adverse message is sent to the investors from India and abroad.   From 11 pm to the work of replacing the damaged   33 KV  insulator connected to the main charged (currently loaded) 33 KV bus ,started, which continued till about 3 am in the morning.  These are rare occasions when such repairing  work is carried out in darkness and rain. Normally hotline maintenance work is done at 132 KV or above voltage but this was the first time, considering the urgency of the occasion, it was done at 33 kv voltage  level. There was only an area of one foot all around to work Work had to be done at a place with minimum clearance inside the live yard. There was a current of 33 thousand voltage on the lines and equipment at a distance of about 1 foot around the narrow work place where there was no margin of error, but  under the guidance  and presence of     Chief Engineer Praveen Gargava, Sandeep Gaikwad, addl Chief Engineer SV Vaze, AK Lathi,    Executive Engineer APS Chauhan, Jitendra Tiwari, NS Patel, Chetan Yadav, RS Bais, Rajeev Chauhan with MP Transcons maintenance team including       Kamlesh Ranjan, Dnyaneshwar Barkade, Holkar Singh, Jagdish Thakur, Kamlesh Maravi, Ravindra Sahu, Rajendra Kushwaha, Ayub Khan, Anil Soni, Vishal Kori displayed unmatched technical skills and indomitable courage in this extremely risky situation,Line maintenance work was successfully carried out. Due to which the Invest Conference and other VIPs did not face any inconvenience due to the electricity system.

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