Saplings planted by Jabalpur corporate office

  • | Saturday | 13th July, 2024

Energy Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government has given a target of planting 19000 saplings under the massive tree plantation program under the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam Abhiyan on the vacant land of the power plants, sub-stations, distribution centers and offices of the power companies. In compliance with the above, today the corporate office of Madhya Pradesh East Zone Electricity Distribution Company Limited Jabalpur organized a one-day tree plantation program, in which Neeta Rathore, Chief General Manager (HR & Administration), Sanjay Bhagwatkar Chief General Manager (Works), Ashok Singh Dhurve Chief General Manager (Commerce), Mukul Mahlotra (Chief Financial Officer), RC Sahu General Manager (Establishment), Arvind Saxena (Head Information & Technology) and other senior officials of the company planted one sapling each, which also includes fruit trees like mango and peepal, and during this time also took a pledge to protect them.

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