State-level Bankers committee meet held

  • | Friday | 12th July, 2024

The 189th and 190th meeting of the State Level Bankers Committee, Madhya Pradesh was held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mohan Yadav. At the beginning of the meeting, the Convener State Level Bankers Committee, Madhya Pradesh, Shri Tarsem Singh Jeera welcomed the Chief Minister by presenting him a plant. During the meeting, the Chief Minister reviewed various schemes of the Central Government and the State Government for the overall development of Madhya Pradesh and gave necessary guidelines. He encouraged the banks to increase term lending in the agricultural sector, to give maximum loans to nomadic and semi-nomadic people and Scheduled Castes and Tribes. He also directed to give maximum loans to the students in an accessible manner under the Higher Education Guarantee Scheme of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Chief Secretary Veera Rana, Additional Chief Secretary Rajesh Rajora and senior officers of the Government of Madhya Pradesh were present in the meeting. On behalf of the banks, Rekha Chandanaveli Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Hemant Kumar Soni General Manager Reserve Bank of India, Sunil Kumar Chief General Manager NABARD, Chandra Shekhar Sharma Chief General Manager SBI, Pramod Mishra Deputy General Manager State Level Bankers Committee and senior officers of banks were present. At the end of the meeting, the Annual Credit Plan for the year 2024-25 was released by the Honorable Chief Minister.

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