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The state of mobile networks in Singapore – who does what best?
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Friday | 23rd July, 2021

Out of the four national operators, StarHub has the largest haul of awards, beating Singtel by one outright win. Opensignal Awards TableVideo ExperienceStarHub is the first Singaporean operator to win the Video Experience award outright, with a score of 78.6 points. Voice App ExperienceM1, Singtel and StarHub are joint winners of the Voice App Experience award, due to a three-way statistical tie. A similar state of affairs existed in our previous report, but back then the award was shared between TPG, Singtel and StarHub. Our Singtel users saw their average upload speeds decline by 1.3 Mbps while their StarHub counterparts reported a drop of 1.5 Mbps.

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