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The 6G vision is becoming clearer, the 5G vision was not bold enough
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Thursday | 22nd July, 2021

The 6G vision was a bit warm and fuzzy, talking of noble causes such as focusing on our societal needs, but it is now becoming more concrete. Effectively, it will bring together several technologies that are now ‘coming of age,’ for instance, machine learning, AR and autonomous cars. If that is the case, does that mean that the industry has quietly realised that the dream of autonomous cars, originally built on the hype of 5G, will now have to wait for 6G to come true? Of course, there will be areas where 5G becomes good enough, but it will not be ubiquitous in the same way that 6G promises to be. If autonomous cars do have to wait for 6G, then the sector will lose a lot of time and a lot of investment.

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