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Network congestion constrains India’s 4G speeds, 5G outlook promising
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Monday | 23rd August, 2021

Existing spectrum holdings, network infrastructure and network congestion have served to depress Indian consumer download speeds, which have stagnated at or below 10 Mbps over the past two years. Launching the 5G tech cycle later than planned will convey some benefits, for example, the lower cost of 5G network equipment as the technology and vendor ecosystem matures, lower 5G smartphone prices and a larger pre-installed base of 5G-enabled smartphone users. It’s an oft-used phrase, but our Indian data demonstrates its importance in helping Indian operators build more positive customer experiences. All three major network operators are busy conducting 5G trials and have achieved very impressive 5G speeds. For Indian mobile operators and the regulator, the 5G era should be one of growing stability.

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