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Jio, Airtel join hands to oppose India’s local 5G standard, 5Gi
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Thursday | 5th August, 2021

India’s leading telecom operator, Reliance Jio, has joined its bitter rival Airtel in raising concerns about the local 5G standard, which it said must be harmonised with the 3GPP’s 5G standard to achieve scale and cost benefits. Airtel reportedly told the DoT secretary, Anshu Prakash, that 5Gi is not globally harmonised and will lead to costly devices and delays in the 5G rollout. He reportedly asked the government to make efforts for global harmonisation of 5Gi standards by making it a part of 3GPP. Telecom Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI), responsible for Telecommunications standards development, has been pushing its version of 5G radio interface technology, namely 5Gi. “We are most happy if the local 5G standard is globally harmonised.

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