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Despite sanctions, Huawei plans return to smartphone ‘throne’
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 18th August, 2021

SHENZHEN, China (Reuters) – Huawei Technologies’ chairman said while US sanctions have choked its smartphone business, it will not give up and plans to eventually return to the industry’s ‘throne’. “Everyone knows that phone chips need advanced technology in a small size with low power consumption. Huawei can design it, but no one can help us make it: we’re stuck,” Huawei Chairman Guo Ping was quoted as saying in a transcript of a recent Q&A with staff seen by Reuters. “Huawei will continue to exist in the field of mobile phones and with continuous advances in chip production, the smartphone throne will eventually return,” he said. In November, Huawei sold off its lower-end smartphone brand Honor – a move aimed at keeping the business alive.

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