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Connected cars – what are the key roles and opportunities for telcos
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 21st July, 2021

Connected Car EcosystemMobility today is changing rapidly, and connected cars are the driving force behind this disruption. The Role of Telcos in Connected CarsIn this first part of the connected car series, we will focus on the role of telecom network operators (telcos) in a connected car ecosystem. A few examples of telcos making a huge difference in the connected car space are:AT&T considers the connected car business as one of the “key growth areas” and it serves over 30 million connected cars on its network. considers the connected car business as one of the “key growth areas” and it serves over 30 million connected cars on its network. Figure 3: Case Study — Deutsche Telekom and BMW ConnectedDriveSources: Deutsche Telekom, BMW, and MTN ConsultingThe Deutsche Telekom Wi-Fi Hotspot makes it possible to connect 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices to high-speed internet all over Europe.

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