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China will not accept the ‘theft’ of a Chinese technology company
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 5th August, 2020
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China will not accept the “theft” of a Chinese technology company and is able to respond to Washington’s move to push ByteDance to sell short-video app TikTok’s US operations to Microsoft, the China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday. The United States’ “bullying” of Chinese tech companies was a consequence of Washington’s zero-sum vision of “American first” and left China no choice but “submission or mortal combat in the tech realm”, the state-backed paper said in an editorial. China had “plenty of ways to respond if the administration carries out its planned smash and grab”, it added. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said over the weekend that Trump would take action shortly against Chinese software companies that shared user data with the Chinese government. China had “limited ability” to provide protection to these Chinese companies by retaliating against US companies because the United States had technological superiority and influence with its allies, it added.
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