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China says livestreaming sales must be in Mandarin and 43 apps rebuked
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 18th August, 2021

China’s Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday published more detailed guidelines and for the first time mentioned a preferred language. Mandarin is the official medium in China but there are also many dialects and ethnic minority languages in the country. “It is better to use Mandarin during livestreaming,” it said in a section about how livestreamers were expected to behave. Meanwhile, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said on Wednesday that 43 apps, including Tencent Holdings Ltd’s WeChat, were found to have illegally transferred user data, and ordered their parent companies to make rectifications. In a statement published online, the regulator said the apps had illegally transferred users’ contact list and location data, while also harassing them with pop-up windows.

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