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Australian regulator steps up fight against illegal online gambling
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Thursday | 5th August, 2021

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has stepped up its efforts to combat illegal online gambling by blocking websites that promote and drive traffic toward online casino type services. “These marketing sites can push you to illegal gambling services that do not have the protections that go with licensed and regulated services,” Ms Cameron said. “We often get complaints from consumers that winnings are not honoured and that incentives and pressure tactics target problem gamblers.”Illegal online gambling services include online casinos where you can play slots, roulette or poker games for money. A list of illegal gambling sites that have been blocked is available on the ACMA website. More information about online gambling is available on the ACMA’s website, including a register of licensed interactive wagering services to check legal services in Australia, information on how to protect yourself from illegal gambling operators, and instructions on how make a complaint about an illegal site.

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