Under Eye Dark Circles; here’s how to get rid of the ugly eye patches
- Shriparna
- Tuesday | 20th February, 2018

We list down some easy and doable home remedies to make your ` how to get rid of dark circles in 2 days ` easy.
Sleepless nights, work-life stress, depression, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle, hereditary the reasons for dark circles to appear under your eyes are many and cannot be controlled in the day to day tussle called life. Treatment, however, is available and by trying a few homemade remedies the stubborn dark patched underneath your skin that dull your overall appearance can be dealt with.
Though chemical based products help in getting rid of them, but then there are many who have an extremely sensitive skin and only pure home remedies can help them.
We list down some easy and doable home remedies to make your ` how to get rid of dark circles in 2 days ` easy.
Hydration is the key to resist dark circles and under eye fine lines. Tomatoes make the skin soft and supple. All you need to do is mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it under your eyes. Let it remain for about 10 minutes and then, wash it off with water. Tomatoes and lemons are loaded with citrus acid that can irritate your eyes. Be careful while applying tomatoes under eyes.
2. Grated potatoes
The carb king potatoes and a regular kitchen ingredient works wonder under eyes. Acing the list of `how to remove dark circles in a week` is potatoes. Grate some raw potato and extract the juice of the same. Now take a cotton ball and soak it in the potato juice. Close your eyes and place these cotton balls on your eyes.
3. Cold tea bags
Another simple technique to get rid of the dark circles is using cold tea bags. Soak a tea bag preferably a chamomile or green tea bags in water. Chill it by placing it in the refrigerator for a while. Now, place them over your eyes. Use this remedy on a regular basis to see a considerable difference.
4. Almond Oil
Almonds are loaded with vitamin E and its oil is as an emollient which helps in making the skin supple. With no tantrums, this `how to get rid of dark circles in a week` ` routine is easy to do. Just apply little almond oil on your dark circles and massage gently. Just leave it overnight and wash it next morning.
5. Cold milk
Regular use of cold milk will also decrease the dark circles and also soothes your eyes and skin. Take a cotton ball and place it in a bowl of cold milk or iced water for a while. Now apply the cotton ball making sure that it covers the entire eye with the affected area. Keep it for a while. Wash it regular water.
Avoid foods that are too salty as it causes puffiness, and alcohol, that dries out the skin. Any healthy, antioxidant foods, rainbow fruits and vegetables are a good idea.

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