Reasons for ‘Naveen’s failing health shall be probed soon, people behind must be punished- Modi

BY DN Singh

May be for a change the Prime Minister turned a well wisher for his arch rival in Odisha Naveen Patnaik. While addressing a gathering in Baripada on Wednesday Modi expressed concern for the often rumored ill health of Patnaik.

This can be taken as either a tongue-in-cheek homily or real concern but, the PM has said that, the real reason behind Patnaik’s seemingly illness can be attributed to the fact that the debilitation in his health is because of his power has been tactfully usurped by a group of officers and keeping him a near captive.

This thing cannot be allowed to go without being investigated, the PM said. `

These days, all of Naveen Babu`s well-wishers are very worried. They are very troubled to see how Naveen Babu`s health has deteriorated so much in the past year,” Modi said while addressing a poll rally in Odisha`s Baripada.

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