Over 18M Views Monthly
1.5M subcribers and 80M impressions monthly in English & Hindi.

Over 5M million reach
Over 5M monthly reach and highly engaged social followers.

Young & Mature Audience
Major audience belongs to millennials (18-24) & mature (25-34).

Mobile Users
More than 91% of our users access us on mobile

Branded Video
We produce original video content for viewing both on NYOOOZ You Tube channels, website and across social channels. Our dedicated in-house producers in NCR of Delhi create innovative customised and relevant audio-visual content across all our news and news features genres.

Branded Articles
Our editorial and special features team creates relevant, innovative and credible customized content solutions that help brands and clients to connect with relevant audience. Our content includes videos, features, photo features, infographics, news articles, interviews, vox pops and polls.

Editorial Sponsorship
You can associate your brand or product with a topic, theme, genre or trend through sponsored content. We publish more than more than 800 articles daily and produce 50 videos daily.
For all advertising queries, contact us:
Looking to reprint our content?
We offer a wealth of high-value content that other brands can reprint with permission. Every month, more than 24,000 new articles, featuring original 1500 videos, 2000 photographs appear on our website. Request permission to reprint our content by contacting us at contact@nyoooz.com
Want to become reporter?
Welcome to NYOOOZ. It's Your Story and Video that belongs to you. Here's where you can post the text story, pictures and video you've seen of events going on around the city. If you have Smart Phone camera or a digital camera then you are well equipped to be a 'Roaming Reporter' in your city. Your Smart Phone will be good enough for you to record a video or click a picture and write a few lines about it. Once you are ready with your story you can simply send it by What's App or through an e-mail to us at contact@nyoooz.com