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Know your enemy: Protecting against the next wave of ransomware attacks
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Tuesday | 10th August, 2021

An escalating issue in SingaporeLast year in Singapore, the number of reported ransomware attacks saw a significant spike of 154%, with 89 incidents, compared to 35 in 2019. The first documented case of ransomware was the AIDS ransomware attack in 1989, but modern ransomware wasn’t seen in the wild until Trojan.Gpcoder was observed in 2005. Once upon a time ransomware attacks would halt your business operations and destroy your critical data. Never underestimate the power of backupBacking up your data is a core part of surviving a ransomware attack unscathed. When ransomware attacks your network it will encrypt your data, while disabling any backup systems and destroying your backup files – sneaky huh?

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