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Industry’s first 4G/5G dual-band micro base station supporting 3.5 GHz
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 10th June, 2020
ZTE Corporation and the Hangzhou branch of China Telecom have deployed the industry’s first 4G/5G dual-band micro base station supporting 3.5 GHz frequency band in Hangzhou, China. The pad base station is usually installed on smart light poles, which integrate HD camera, environmental monitoring, weather sensor, screen, and new-energy vehicle charging functions. Therefore, smart light poles can monitor the real-time road conditions, such as flood, to avoid potential hazards. The smart light poles can also be used as a site location for 5G micro base stations to solve the problem of insufficient coverage and transfer live information of smart light poles in real-time. Moving forward, ZTE will maintain close cooperation with China Telecom and work with industry partners to continuously explore innovative solutions and applications of 5G micro base stations.
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