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Indonesia launches pilot project to convert motorcycles to electric power
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Thursday | 19th August, 2021

JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia on Wednesday launched a pilot project to convert motorcycles that run on combustion engines into electric-powered vehicles, part of a national drive to make transport more environmentally friendly, the energy ministry said. The project has successfully converted 10 such motorcycles and is aiming to convert 90 more by November, the ministry said in a statement. Under its national strategy, the government has set a target of having 13 million electric motorcycles – including converted ones – and 2.2 million electric cars on the roads by 2030. Indonesia had more than 15 million cars and 112 million motorcycles on its roads as of 2019, data from Indonesia’s automotive industries association showed. The government is also working on converting public buses that use fossil fuel into electric buses, a transport ministry official told the same event.

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