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Big players eyeing India’s ambitious rural broadband project, BharatNet
- NYOOOZ Reporter
- Wednesday | 18th August, 2021

Top Indian telecom companies, multinational gear makers, and system integrators are eyeing the second phase of India’s ambitious yet controversial rural broadband project, BharatNet. All these companies, looking to participate in the project through the public-private partnership (PPP) route, attended the pre-bid conference organised by the government to roll out the second phase of BharatNet. The second phase is aiming to connect 3.61 lakh (361,000) villages through a fibre optic network by August 2023. Experts said that the net worth criteria specified for service providers might lead to the disqualification of several smaller companies from the second phase of the project. Interestingly, the MeiTY’s Common Service Center network, which rolled out connections under the first phase of BharatNet, may not be eligible for bidding in many circles due to the high-net-worth criteria for the second phase.

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