App users demand security over convenience – except when they don’t

What’s more, close to three in five respondents said they would stop using an app altogether if their data security was compromised. F5 is positioning the results as evidence that security is an increasingly important feature for apps, but that there is also a so-called “curve of convenience” that is best thought of as “the user’s journey to app enlightenment, as they better understand the tug and pull between app security and convenience”. F5 recommends thinking of it in terms of a “curve of convenience”, where the emphasis you put on security depends on how far along the curve you are. And yet they seem to have a higher tolerance for data breaches – almost a third of millennials said they would keep using an app even if data security is compromised. “Security and convenience are often at constant tension, and balancing both elements to find the right sweet spot is extremely hard,” Dr Gao said.

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